Wednesday 27 August 2008

Impact on the public domain

Great risk management quote from Sir Edwin Nixon's obituary in the Telegraph today;

"Write nothing internally without considering its impact on the public domain."

Nixon became managing director of IBM UK in 1965 and retired as Chairman of its holding company in 1990, a remarkably long tenure, by today's standards. He also was Chairman of Amersham International from 1988-1996 overseeing notable growth.

In 1968 when I worked at Dexion, known for its slotted angle storage systems , Eddie Nixon was still proudly remembered after his four year stint as a Dexion management accountant, his first business post, as " the one who got away". He certainly managed his career risks extremely well and the obituary records that "although both approachable and good humoured, he was at the same time a perfectionist who liked things done well, and with style."

How does your CEO match up?

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